Oct 11, 2010

Reco book - October

Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith

Named one of the ten best business and management books of all time, Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing explores how markets work and how prospects for services--as distinguished from products--think. A treasury of strategies, Selling the Invisible will open your eyes to new ideas in this crucial branch of marketing, including:
  • Myths of Marketing: Why focus groups, value-price positioning, discount pricing, and being the best usually fail.
  • The Emotion that Matters: The critical emotion that most influences your prospects--and how to deal with it.
  • Four Key Forces: The vital role of vividness, focus, "anchors," and stereotypes.
  • The Effect of Effects: The importance of Halo, Cocktail Party, and Lake Wobegon Effects.
  • Lessons from Unexpected Places: Marketing lessons from black holes, grocery lists, the Hearsay Rule, and the fame of the Matterhorn.

Based on Harry's twenty-five years of experience, this book delivers its wisdom with memorable and often surprising examples--from Federal Express, Citicorp and a growing Greek travel agency to Kate the babysitter, Fran Lebowitz, and the colors of oranges and lemons.

The first guide of its kind, Selling the Invisible will help anyone marketing a service--as it has over 650,000 people worldwide, in 23 translations.

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