Jan 24, 2010

Best Business and Success Lessons - 3

  1. You'll never go wrong in doing what is right.
  2. It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.
  3. Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.
  4. A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.
  5. Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.
  6. Saying "I'll try" really means "I'm not really committed."
  7. The secret of passion is purpose.
  8. Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.
  9. To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing to do.
  10. Go where no one's gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.

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